When and how to pivot in indie game development for success

indie-game Sep 13, 2024

Indie game development is an unpredictable journey filled with creative challenges, technical hurdles, and evolving market trends. One of the most critical decisions developers face is knowing when and how to pivot. A pivot can mean anything from changing the core mechanics of the game to shifting its genre or even rethinking the business model. While making a pivot can feel daunting, doing so strategically can be the difference between failure and long-term success.

What is a pivot in game development?

A pivot in game development is a significant change in direction or focus that happens during the development process. It might involve shifting from one gameplay style to another, redesigning core mechanics, or even changing the target audience. Unlike smaller adjustments or refinements, a pivot is a fundamental shift aimed at addressing issues that arise during development​(Exo Deploy)​(IndieGameBusiness).

When should you pivot?

  1. Feedback from playtesting: One of the best indicators that a pivot is necessary is player feedback. Playtests can reveal whether your game’s mechanics are enjoyable or if players are struggling to connect with your original concept. When feedback consistently highlights major issues with the core gameplay or design, it’s time to consider a pivot​.
  2. Market misalignment: Sometimes a game’s concept, although innovative, doesn't align with current market trends or the audience you are trying to target. If similar games are underperforming or if the market has shifted since the project started, it may be worth reevaluating the game’s direction​(GameDev.net).
  3. Technical limitations: Independent developers often face technical challenges due to limited resources. If the original concept is proving too complex to execute with your current tools or team, simplifying or modifying the project’s scope can help prevent burnout and ensure the game still delivers on its core promise​.

How to pivot successfully

  1. Identify core strengths: When pivoting, it’s essential to identify and retain the core strengths of the original game. Whether it’s an innovative mechanic, strong art direction, or a compelling narrative, keeping these elements intact will ensure that the game retains its identity even after the shift​.
  2. Engage with your community: If you have a community or early access players, involve them in the pivot process. By explaining the reasons for the change and sharing how the game will improve, you can maintain player trust and even gain valuable insights into what they want from the game.
  3. Iterative approach: Instead of making a drastic, overnight change, consider adopting an iterative pivot. Slowly implement changes, testing new mechanics or features with a smaller group of players before rolling them out to everyone. This allows you to adjust based on feedback without risking the entire project​.
  4. Stay flexible: Even after pivoting, remain open to further changes. The gaming landscape is always evolving, and successful developers are those who stay agile and responsive to both player feedback and market shifts.

The original pivot: Slack's journey from game to communication tool

One of the most famous pivots in tech history is that of Slack. Initially, Slack began as a multiplayer game called Glitch, developed by Stewart Butterfield’s company, Tiny Speck. The game included an internal chat system that allowed the development team to communicate efficiently during its creation. Despite its creative concept, Glitch failed to gain the traction needed for success in the gaming market​.

Recognizing the potential in the internal communication tool they had built, the team decided to pivot entirely, shifting from game development to business communication software. This bold move resulted in the creation of Slack, which has since become one of the world’s leading workplace collaboration platforms. The pivot is a perfect example of leveraging existing strengths (the chat tool) to solve a different problem (business communication) that had a larger market demand.

Embracing the pivot

A pivot can be a powerful tool in indie game development, offering developers the chance to rethink their project, address core issues, and align with market demands. Knowing when to pivot and how to do it successfully can lead to a more polished, enjoyable, and commercially viable game. By embracing feedback, refining your core strengths, and staying flexible, indie developers can turn a difficult decision into a major success.
